Panchakarma is mainly a detoxification therapy consisting five procedures-
1) Vaman karma
2) Virechan karma
3) Basti Karma
4) Nasya Karma
5) Raktamokshan
Panchakarma is not just for detoxifying the body, but also for renewal — rebooting the immune system and recovering stability and well-being. It is one of the most powerful healing modalities in Ayurvedic Medicine. It is prescribed on a seasonal basis. Saiprabha Ayurved Panchakarma & Infertility Clinic provides the best Ayurvedic and Panchakarma Treatment in Akola.
Aims & Objectives of Panchakarma
Panchakarma can be divided into 3 stages
Poorva karma
a) Pachana karma
b) Snehana karma
c) Sweda karma
a) Pachana karma
It is essential to digest the indigested substances by means of Deepan and Pachana drugs before Sneha karma.

b) Sneha karma
Snehapan –
Oral intake of medicated ghruta/oil is poorvakarma of Panchakarma procedure. It is helpful in treatment of certain disease like Peptic ulcer, Migraine, Chronic constipation, Osteoarthritis and many more.

Snehana / Abhyang –
It is well-known massage treatment. Medicated oils are used which penetrate deeply into different layers of skin, stimulating release of toxins from the cells. It increases blood circulation, Strengthen skin, enhances sound sleep, removes fatigue and promotes longevity. It keep one young and energetic.
It is indicated in certain diseases like dry skin, Arthritis, joint pain, Paralysis, Muscular dystrophy, Spondylosis, Lumbar pain, etc. This therapy is very effective in neurological disorders and insomnia.

Swedan / Steam bath –
It is fomentation of particular body part (Nadi swed) or whole body (Bashpa swed) by decoction of herbs.
It reduces pain as well as stiffness. It is beneficial in Paralysis, Osteo-arthritis, Spondylosis, Obesity, Sciatica, Lumbago, Frozen shoulder, muscle spasm, musculo-skeletal and Neurological pain, etc.
Panchakarma procedure (Pradhana karma) –

Vaman (Emesis) –
Vaman is a cleansing procedure for expulsion of vitiated Kapha and Pitta dosh from cells and tissue of entire body through mouth.
Vaman is recommended in Vasant rutu since there is natural increase of Kapha dosh in our body. In Kapha predominance diseases Vaman can be performed at any time after Poorvakarma.
Vaman is beneficial in Asthama, Bronchitis, Cough, Cold, Allergic Rhinitis, Diabetes, Anaemia, Obesity, Epilepsy, Mental disorders, Infertility- PCOS, Fallopian tubal block, Uterine fibroids etc. Skin diseases- Psoriasis, Acne, Vitiligo, Urticaria etc. Hyperacidity, Hypercholestremia, Hypo or Hyperthyroidism and other chronic diseases.

Virechan –
Virechan means elimination of vitiated dosh (Pitta) through the faces by increasing bowel movements.
It is very beneficial in Hyperacidity, Headache, Epistaxis, Skin diseases like Eczema, Psoriasis, Vitiligo, Urticaria, Recurrent abscess, Hepatitis, Jaundice, Paralysis, Chronic fever, Worms, Gout, Goiter, Anaemia, Obesity, Constipation, Burning palm, Sole, Eyes, Male infertility- Oligospermia, Asthenospermia, etc.
Virechan karma aims to eliminate dosh from Kidney, Lungs and sweat glands which is otherwise not possible by Vaman karma.
Naturally Pitta dosh increases in Sharad rutu so Virechan is recommended for healthy person in this season. In above maintained diseases and other similar conditions Virechan can be performed any time after Poorva karma.

Basti –
Medicated oil or decoction is administered through anus. Vitiated Vata can create various health problems. Basti releases obstruction in the way of Vata dosh and thus regulates the normal phenomenon of Vata. Different types of medicated oils, ghrutas, milk or decoction of herbs are used for Basti treatment. It can state miracles if administered in a proper way with appropriate medicines.
Basti is indicated in Chronic Constipation, Irregular bowel habits, Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Paralysis, Joint pains, Tingling & Numbness, Spondylosis, Spondylitis, Slip disc, Purpose of Weight gain or loss, Kidney stone, Epilepsy, Worms. Infertility- Irregular menses, P.C.O.D, Dysmenorrhea, and Fallopian tubal blockages, etc. Secretions in the colon are promoted by Basti karma, there by insuring a good health. It increases colonic Peristalsis, producing rapid elimination of the stool.

Nasya –
Nasya means administration of medicines through the nostrils. Medicated oils, juice, ghruta, herbal powder, decoction are introduced into nostrils for various diseases. viz. Deviated nasal septum, Allergic Rhinitis, Sinusitis, Migraine, Hair loss, early greying of hairs, Insomnia, Paralysis, Facial palsy, Parkinsonism, loss of sense of smell, Vertigo, Frozen shoulder, Locked jaw, diseases related with Head, Eyes, Nose, etc. It is also helpful to improve memory.

Raktamokshan –
This is specialised Panchakarma treatment for Blood disorders. In this little amount of blood is extracted from the body. Vitiated Pitta creates various diseases through blood because blood (Rakta dhatu) is the main carrier of Pitta dosh.
It is indicated in Leucoderma, Acne, Psoriasis, Urticaria, Jaundice, Herpes zoster, Vericose vein, Trigeminal neuralgia, Migraine, Enlargement of Liver and Spleen, etc.
Raktamokshan relieves the severity of the diseases which further can be treated with Ayurvedic medicines. It is done by different methods like – Leech Therapy, disposable needle with syringe.
Paschat karma –
- Samsarjan krama (Dietetic regimen)
- Rasayan/ Vajikaran Treatment (Rejuvenation/ virification)
- Sanshaman karma (Medicine)
- Samsarjan krama (Dietetic regimen)
After shodhan karma body becomes weak, system become delicate and the digestive power also get diminished.
The process of restoration of Digestive power by means of advocating specific regimen of diet for a specified period is Samsarjan krama.
- Samsarjan krama (Dietetic regimen)
- Rasayan (Rejuvenation)
Rasayan medicine is advised after proper shodhan karma. It is anti-aging and immune booster therapy.
- Rasayan (Rejuvenation)
- Vajikaran Treatment (virification)
It is a therapy for better performance of sexual and body power.
After Vajikaran one become strong enough to enjoy sex without any fatigue and become most lovable to women. It is necessary for the purpose of family welfare & healthy social life.
- Vajikaran Treatment (virification)
- Sanshaman karma (Medicine)
After Panchakarma for better results, Ayurvedic medicines are given to the patient. During medicines one should follow instructions of treating Doctor regarding Pathya-Apathya (does or don’t).